Home For Life


Loan Options


A South River Mortgage Proprietary Product.

HomeForLife is a new product designed to get you 100% of your funds at closing. This special type of reverse mortgage gets you the cash you need while you remain in your home for life.

Key Product Features

What is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a type of loan that allows homeowners to access their home equity and turn it into cash. A reverse mortgage offers the unique opportunity for a homeowner to use their home equity without incurring a monthly mortgage payment or selling their home.

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Why HomeForLife?

HomeForLife is a product offered only at South River Mortgage. Because we are a private lender, we have different guidelines than the FHA sets for the HECM loan. With HomeForLife, homeowners 55 and older* can consolidate debt and receive 100% of their loan proceeds at closing. Compared to a HECM, HomeForLife has more flexible financial requirements. Even homeowners that have been previously declined for a reverse mortgage loan or similar programs still have a good chance of qualifying for HomeForLife.

*This minimum age requirement only applies where allowed by state law.

A Smart Choice.

The below table illustrates what your cash flow could look like with a HECM. When comparing the amount leftover during retirement with a traditional mortgage (in red) and the amount left over with a reverse mortgage (in green), you can see how a HECM can help you manage your monthly expenses and avoid unnecessary financial stress.

Before Retirement During Retirement Retirement with a Reverse Mortgage
Income $4,000 $2,500 $2,500
Monthly Mortgage Payment $2,000 $2,000
Groceries $500 $500 $500
Utilities $250 $250 $250
Gas $100 $100 $100
Auto Loan $300 $300 $300
Disposable Income $850 -$650 $1,350

*As with any mortgage, you must continue to make payments for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, as well as comply with the loan terms.

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