South River Mortgage

Using a Reverse Mortgage to Budget Your Retirement Income

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For most retired homeowners, the largest asset they possess is their home’s equity. After decades of making mortgage payments, most retirees have the biggest proportion of their wealth tied to their home. If a homeowner is unable to cover their living expenses after retirement, they can supplement their income by taking out a reverse mortgage.

What is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a financial product that allows a homeowner that meets certain age requirements and has sufficient home equity to borrow against the value of their home. As opposed to a forward mortgage, a reverse mortgage pays funds to the homeowner through a lump sum, fixed monthly payments, or line of credit–while also eliminating required mortgage payments.

When the borrowing homeowner dies, relocates permanently, or decides to sell their home, the entire loan balance becomes due.

What are the benefits of a reverse mortgage?

Taking out a reverse mortgage is one of the best ways for homeowners to supplement their income and handle unexpected expenses. Other potential benefits of a reverse mortgage include:

What are the possible disadvantages of a reverse mortgage?

Taking out a reverse mortgage can help improve your financial situation, but just like any financial product, there are certain things that you should be aware of:

Who should apply for a reverse mortgage?

Deciding whether a reverse mortgage is a smart option for you depends on your lifestyle, your future goals, and other major factors.

Taking out a reverse mortgage makes sense if:

Economic Instability Among Retirees

If you’re like many other retirees, your income has likely declined significantly since you left the workforce. If you are still paying your forward mortgage loan, budgeting your pension and other sources of retirement income can be very difficult. Healthcare costs also tend to increase as you age, emphasizing the importance of a safety net for sudden expenses.

According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), over 15 million Americans aged 65 and older suffer from economic insecurity, with incomes falling 200% below the Federal Poverty Level. 21% of married Social Security recipients and 43% of single recipients rely on their Social Security benefits for at least 90% of their income. In 2019, the median debt for senior households totaled $31,050.

Going back to the workforce is often the only viable option for many older adults who do not receive sufficient income from their pension and government benefits. But retirees are less likely to find jobs in the current market, and there are also challenges of limited mobility, transportation, and health problems that keep them from going back to work. Fortunately, those with sufficient equity in their home have other options available to them through a reverse mortgage loan program.

How can a reverse mortgage can help you budget your retirement income?

A reverse mortgage is an extremely useful financial product that can help homeowners increase their cash flow and live the rest of their lives in comfort. The biggest benefit of a reverse mortgage is that it provides retirees with a substantial amount of money while allowing them to continue living in their home–so long as they meet ongoing requirements.

Regardless of your financial situation, a reverse mortgage is an ideal solution for effectively budgeting your retirement income–especially if you are still paying your forward mortgage loan. In addition, you have complete control over where your money goes since there are no limitations on how you can spend your loan proceeds.

The sample budget below highlights how a reverse mortgage can help you budget your retirement income:

Before Retirement After Retirement Retirement with Reverse Mortgage
Income $6,000 $4,000 $4,000
Mortgage Payment $2,500 $2,500 $0
Car Loan $400 $400 $400
Credit Cards $300 $300 $300
Groceries $350 $350 $350
Gas $150 $150 $150
Utilities $100 $100 $100
Healthcare $300 $300 $300
Left Over $1,900 -$100 $2,400

Assuming you wish to lead the same kind of lifestyle post-retirement, it is clear that eliminating your monthly mortgage payments can better allow you to meet your needs. A reverse mortgage can help increase your cash flow to cover expenses such as healthcare costs, ongoing homeownership expenses, or home modifications.

There are, of course, plenty of alternatives if you no longer have the income to make your monthly payments and live the life you want after retirement. For example, you can:

Each of these options has pros and cons, but in many cases the advantages of a reverse mortgage make it the best choice.

Take this scenario for example:

Linda is a 65-year old former corporate manager who used to make $5,000 a month. After retirement, her private and federal pension plans pay her about $3,500 a month. However, she still has to pay her traditional mortgage loan at $1,500 a month for the next five years. Along with her mortgage, her living expenses (food, utilities, insurance, maintenance, transportation, etc.) leave her with little to no cash left over every month.

If she were to encounter a medical emergency, she would likely have to use a large portion of her income to pay for medical bills, which can cause her to miss her monthly mortgage payments. Unless she can bounce back quickly, she is at great risk for delinquency and eventual foreclosure. Unfortunately, this scenario is very common for many older adults in the United States.

Before such an emergency happens, Linda can opt to take out a reverse mortgage loan, having already built substantial equity in her home. Even if her income stays at $3,500 a month with the loan, eliminating the $1,500 mortgage payment leaves a lot of breathing room for other expenses. More importantly, it can allow her to prepare for unexpected costs in the future. She doesn’t have to move out, sell her home, modify her loan, or drain her life savings if something were to happen.

What financial issues can a reverse mortgage help solve?

To summarize, here are the potential financial issues that a reverse mortgage can help minimize or eliminate:

In short, a reverse mortgage can provide homeowners financial stability–all while allowing them to stay in their home for the rest of their lives.

What are the requirements for a reverse mortgage?

You are eligible for a traditional reverse mortgage loan if you meet the following criteria:

What are the different types of reverse mortgages?

Single-purpose reverse mortgage. You can only use this loan for one purpose, such as home repairs, property taxes, or upgrades. It is the least expensive option but is not available everywhere. Usually, homeowners with low to moderate incomes can apply for this type of loan.

Proprietary reverse mortgage. This type of private loan allows you to access your home equity through a private lender. The customers of a proprietary reverse mortgage are usually homeowners with homes valued above the Federal Housing Administration’s limit, which is $822,375. Homeowners aged 55-62 may be eligible for this program, depending on which state the borrower resides in.

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). A HECM loan is the most common type of reverse mortgage loan. This type of loan is federally-insured and backed by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

You can use the proceeds from a HECM loan for any purpose. The maximum amount of money you can borrow with a HECM or proprietary reverse loan depends on:

Bottom line

A reverse mortgage loan is a complex financial tool that requires adequate research and complete understanding. While the benefits of a reverse mortgage are apparent in this article, it pays to be fully informed before making a major financial decision, especially while in or nearing retirement.

Talk to us at South River Mortgage today to learn more about reverse mortgages, find out if you qualify for a reverse mortgage, and determine which type of mortgage is best for you. Our dedicated reverse mortgage specialists will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns.

About the Author, Nikki

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