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Top 5 Ways to Have More Fun in Retirement

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For many people, the idea of retirement paints a perfect picture of rest and relaxation. And while that is the main goal for the majority of retirees after spending decades in the workforce, a lot of people think that retiring also means falling into a boring old routine for the rest of your life. 

Contrary to popular belief, retirement doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, it can even be the most exciting phase of your life now that you have more time for the things that you want to do. With that in mind, let’s explore the top five ways to have more fun in retirement. 

1. Travel 

It doesn’t matter if it’s in the next city over, the other side of the country, or on another continent altogether–traveling is one of the best activities that retirees can do after leaving the workforce. Now, you don’t have to save up your vacation days just to go on your dream trip. And as long as you plan your finances accordingly, exploring the world doesn’t have to break the bank. 

If you want to make traveling a habit during retirement, here are some helpful tips to consider: 

2. Engage in a hobby 

Whether it’s a past hobby that you didn’t really have the time for while you were working or a whole new hobby altogether–there is no better time to start pouring yourself into it. 

When you’re no longer working every day, it can be easy to fall into a boring, repetitive routine. This is one of the main reasons why many people experience loneliness and depression during retirement, especially when coupled with isolation. But by filling your time doing something that 

you love, you can avoid feelings of loneliness and boredom, and instead keep your mind busy with an activity you love! 

3. Join social groups

It can be difficult to meet new people later in life, and the main reason for that is because there are not always readily available social events to go to. With that, another productive–and mentally beneficial–way to have more fun in retirement is to join social circles. 

It can be a group that revolves around an interest or a hobby, such as books, music, astronomy–or a social group specifically for individuals within your age group. 

But what if you can’t find a group that you fit into? You can always create one of your own! Maybe there’s no group in your town that enjoys reading the works of H.P. Lovecraft, but there’s bound to be someone out there that does. The Internet is a wonderful place for finding your own people, use it! 

4. Do something that you’ve never done before 

It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and do something that you’ve never done before. Try creating a bucket list to keep track of all of the activities you want to try in your life. 

It doesn’t have to be anything mind-blowing or expensive. If you want to do it, don’t hold yourself back any longer–even if you never imagined yourself doing that kind of thing, life is all about collecting experiences 

Here are some out-of-the-box activities that you might want to try: 

5. Celebrate your inner child 

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have had a great childhood. But whether you look back on your childhood with nostalgia or disdain, retirement presents many opportunities to celebrate and heal your inner child. 

Now, you don’t have anyone telling you what you can and cannot do–nor do you have the heavy responsibility of supporting your family–so go do what your inner child wants. Buy toys that you’ve always wanted to have. Play video games. Ride a bike. Visit your childhood town. Take the opportunity to do what you want without guilt–even if it feels silly.


Retirement should be the best rest you’ve had in your life–but it doesn’t have to be boring. If you want to have more fun in retirement, start thinking about the things that will bring you the most joy–be it traveling, learning a new hobby, joining a social circle, and many more.

About the Author, Jonathan Misayah

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